Dupeguru ubuntu command line photo
Dupeguru ubuntu command line photo

Comparing files/images/music must stay interactive. Scanning and comparing is not interactive, though) (yes, yes, comparing dupes is interactive, and will be in the future. I am thinking of 2 different views on a CLI version: It might contain all editions and all neccessery override-classes starting from app, all required view-like things and the job system. The source would have a new tree 'cli' like cocoa and qt. So the build system would build 2 UI targets for each cocoa and qt: dupeGuru + dupeGuruCli.

dupeguru ubuntu command line photo

We got 2 major UI platforms: cocoa (mac) and qt (win/unix/linux)Ĭode-wise, cli feels like a third ui platform (ncurses or whatever)īut, i'd like have cli available for unix/linux, windows and mac when i download the OS-specific dupeGuru package. Since i do not know python (only php and shell script) i cannot say if it is easy or not to make dupeguru run from command line with these preferences as arguments. Then feed those results to my script and produce as a result the html file with the video and images previews to select which ones i want to delete. dupeguru file using the preferences of the 1st step, So in my case i would like tou run dupeguru from command line to create the. Then i check all the files that are really same since i can see the thumbnails.ĭepending on file size sometimes i choose the big ones or the smaller files.įinally i submit that html form and it creates a script with all the delete commands for the checked files. The html file has next of each thumbnail the filesize and a checkbox.

dupeguru ubuntu command line photo

I wrote a script that parses results and creates one html file that takes 2 screenshots of each video using ffmpeg and shows also other image files found by dupeguru. I am setting up the preferences like the following to find videos and images usually with different size and similar filenames My usuall usage scenario is the following: One of its best features is to find different files (in filesize) with similar filenames. Personally i use it not only for deleting same files with different filenames.

Dupeguru ubuntu command line photo